Monday, July 16, 2012

America the Great?

     So another day in the life of Trevor. I have been doing a lot of research and talking to different people to make sure that when I wrote this I wouldn't be bashed for false facts. I know this will raise a lot of controversy and even possible negative feelings towards me.
     So America the Great huh? Have you ever thought about how it is so much easier to be poor in this country than to be rich? If you dont believe me then think about the fact that banks now have "over-draft protection". Sounds great doesnt it? Well in fact overdraft protection after fees and charges have been added to you account comes up to over 1000% DUE! So is it really such a good thing to have the protection on your account? Im not saying that the charges happen to everyone, but to those people living in the shoes of someone that has trouble making ends meet in this economy it is a very big deal. To make this a little personal; my boyfriend got pulled over 2 months ago for not having insurance and inspection was out. We had known that both were over due, but he had recently lost his job and I didn't have enough money at the time to pay for the rent of our house the bills and then to get him insurance and inspection. After getting the ticket we found a way to make ends meet and get him some insurance and an inspection, and finally got a court date because the ticket was already over due. He went to court and was told that the ticket for the insurance would be over $400 and the ticket for inspection would be over $300. How do they expect someone that was barely able to even get the $150 insurance and $75 inspection, to ever pay for such a fine. I understand its the law, but without being able to pay the tickets he is looking at jail time. I dont have the money to pay it, he still doesnt have a job to pay it even though he's been looking and applying EVERYWHERE. It is so easy to be poor and fall into the system, according to the Huffington Post {} more than 40% of American house holds are in danger of filing for bankruptsy at a single crisis, such as a loss of a job in the household, or possibly the pilling up of bills ON TOP of the losing of a job, and just to clear something up for all of those people out there, my boyfriend lost his job because he was out shooting a fucking porn video for all of you! 
     People always say its possible to be anything and anyone and all you have to do is work your hardest and you can achieve everything. Well I'm going to tell you that I am one person that has worked his absolute hardest in life to over come everything that has been set in front of me. My dad and his family didnt want "a faggot for a son". My step dad that my mom was married to for 10 years beat the shit out of me daily. My mom finally divorced from the step dad had no way to make ends meet so I started shooting porn and other illegal activities at age 16 in order to make the money that I could to pay for her mortgage that my ex-step father skillfully left her with. I have worked non stop in a restaurant since the day that I turned 18. I bust my ass 50 hours a week to bring home just enough money to make sure that my boyfriend has a roof over his head and gas in his car to get to his interviews. Just because you work hard and try doesnt mean you are going to make it. For those of you that know the "Facebook" story its all the proof, many people got FUCKED over in the creation of facebook, all except for Mark. He was the only person who still today isnt looking back thinking how much they wish they could change things. Bill Gates started out with Macintosh and stole their ideas in order to make Windows. Dont tell me that you can be anything, because the greatest successes in this country come from the greatest THEFTS, CROOKS!! 
     I dont even know what to do anymore.... I can not provide for him what I need and want to, and yes if someone threw down lets just say $10,000 and said have fun, the whole thing would be spent within a day or two just making sure that the 2 of us were caught up on all of our bills and were out of debt and out of danger of warrants being issued. But obviously that will never happen, so for the time being I guess we just have to hope and pray that somehow something will happen that we will be able to get all of this taken care of and move on to the next obstacle that somehow happens to appear everytime we resolve one. 
